Each body treatment is customized to fit your specific needs. Treatments include any of the following: acupuncture, body micro current, celluma LED light therapy.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese technique that has been used for over 2,000 years to manage pain, mental wellbeing and promote healing. Our acupuncture treatments involve the gentle insertion of tiny hair-like needle into specific points on the body to balance and restore, blood and energy flow. Specific muscle points are used to immediately release tightness of a muscle. Acupuncture can be especially effective in treating chronic pain, reducing inflammation, and allowing athletes to recover faster from their injuries.
Calms the nervous system…stimulate the vagus nerve
Decrease pain and inflammation
Can improve variety of conditions, including: digestion, anxiety, arthritis, depression, insomnia, migraines, nausea, sinus congestion, stress, addiction
Improve skin appearance
Improve overall body functioning and performance
Our specialized microcurrent technology receives and adjusts output based on real bio-feedback. It delivers targeted microcurrent to affected areas for pain relief, decreased inflammation, accelerated recovery, and improved circulation. Users often find it relaxing enough to fall asleep during a session due to the calming of the nervous system.
Whenever there is disease, injury or pain, there is always an interruption to the flow of electricity. When impedance and capacitance is restored to its normal state (homeostasis) the body can immediately begin healing itself.
Reduces pain and inflammation
Heals tendons, muscles and bones
Calms the nervous system
Improves recovery time
Lessens headaches
Tones the skin and stimulates collagen production
Celluma LED Light Therapy
Is a FDA cleared low-level light energy to promote healing and improve overall body function. Our treatments utilize the latest in LED and infrared light technology to reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and enhance the body's natural healing response. This can be an especially effective way to recover from sports-related injuries and improve performance.
Reduce aches and pains
Reduce inflammation
Muscle tension
Decrease arthritis symptoms
Increase blood flow
Enhance nitric oxide production
Celluma Light Therapy Treatment (body and face mats)
Note: This treatment is separate from the customized treatments.
50 min. | $100